Let us help you

Need Fast, Friendly, Expertly Managed IT Services
and IT Support for your business?

Rapid Response IT and Cybersecurity For Legal, Accounting, Medical, Manufacturing, Engineering, BioTech and DoD

Call San Diego's Top IT Company For a Free Quote - 619-255-2621

IT Support

Keep your business running with superior help desk support, maintenance, and cybersecurity.


Protect your corporate data from cyber criminals, improve network security, and boost your defenses.


Prepare your company for an IT disaster and implement protocols to prevent downtime and lost revenue.

Hybrid & Remote Work

Enable hybrid work, maintain control of your corporate data, and improve employee productivity.

Why choose us?

Let us help you

Cutting-Edge IT Solutions:
Stay ahead with state of the art technology tailored for healthcare.

Proven Track Record:
Join the ranks of satisfied health companies who thrive with our support.

Data Security Experts:
We safeguard your patient data and ensure compliance with cyber security regulations.

  • SALVAR has a rich history in Healthcare and a specialization in healthcare IT management.

  • We comprehend the critical factors such as patient care, rapid response, and the round-the-clock IT demands of your medical facilities.

  • Leading healthcare institutions rely on SALVAR, and you can trust us too.

Contact us

Whether you have a request, a query, or want to work with us, use the form below to get in touch with our team.